Terms and conditions
Shri Hari Tutorial in Lucknow is one of the leading businesses in the Home Tutors.
TEACHERS’ Terms and conditions
- No personal discussion with parents during the demo.
- You Know that SHRE HARI TUTORIAL is a home tutorial marketplace and will facilitate through its platform and other resources finding for you such students who want home tuition in your area of expertise.
- You have to pay 500/- (Non-Refundable) Rupee for the registration charge.
- You must agree that SHRE HARI TUTORIAL will deduct its commission of 50% (plus applicable taxes, if any) only for the first month of payment received.
- As a home tutor, you understand to follow all applicable laws, the exercise professional competence, care, skill, diligence, and prudence as is usually exercised by professionals.
- You are aware that the final decision to select a particular student for tuition is yours and yours alone.
- You Know and agree that you will teach the student if and only if at least one parent is present in the house.
- You have to arrange a demo class within 48 hours of receiving details of Tuition. if this does not happen due to any reason, you have to inform us.
• Professional/conservative attire ITS COMES UNDER Terms and conditions
• No revealing clothing or body art • No tank tops or halter tops • No shorts or jeans • No flip flop sandals At all times, shoes and a shirt must be worn.
• Always wear name tags and keep your appearance clean and neat.
• Before starting work at any of the sites, tutors must agree on a schedule with the Literacy Program Director or Program Coordinator.
• The tutors’ timetables are not to be changed till the 4-month term is finished. Tutors must arrive at their allocated time. There are no exception rules and regulations
• Professional/conservative attire
• No revealing clothing or body art • No tank tops or halter tops • No shorts or jeans • No flip flop sandals At all times, shoes and a shirt must be worn.
• Always wear name tags and keep your appearance clean and neat.
• Before starting work at any of the sites, tutors must agree on a schedule with the Literacy Program Director or Program Coordinator.
• The tutors’ timetables are not to be changed till the 4-month term is finished. Tutors must arrive at their allocated time. There are no exceptions the most important rules and regulation
PARENTS’ Terms and conditions
- No personal discussion with parents during the demo.
- 2 days prior demo class will be given to you from SHRI HARI TUTORIALS.
- After the demo, if you finalize then you have to pay the amount (discussed before) within 3 days to the company.
- Any direct transaction with the teacher would be your sole responsibility company will not be liable for any such activity.
- One of the parents should be present at home during class.
- Payment mode accepted – cash, phone pay, net banking. Google pay etc.
- Tuition, If this does not happen due to any reason, you have to inform us.https://www.shriharitutorials.com/our-service/